Dragan Velikić, born in Belgrade in 1953, graduated from the Department of General Literature and Theory of Literature at the Belgrade Faculty of Philology. From 1994 to 1999 he was the editor of Radio B92 Publishing Sector, working also as a columnist for NIN, Vreme, Danas and Reporter.
From March 1999 to mid 2002 he lived in Budapest, Vienna and Berlin, holding the post of Serbian Ambassador in Austria between June 2005 and November 2009. He lives and works in Belgrade as a freelance writer.
Published novels: Via Pula (1988, Miloš Crnjanski Award), Astragan (Caracul) (1991), Hamsin 51 (1993), Severni zid (The Northern Wall) (1995, Borislav Pekić Fund scholarship), Danteov trg (Dante’s Piazza) (1997), Slučaj Bremen (The Bremen Case) (2001), Dosije Domaševski The Domaševski File) (2003) and Ruski prozor (The Russian Window) (2007, NIN Award and Meša Selimović Award); story collections: Pogrešan pokret (A Wrong Move) (1983), Staklena bašta (Greenhouse) (1985) and Beograd i druge priče (Belgrade and Other Stories) (2009); essay collections: YU-tlantida (1993), Deponija (Landfill) (1994), Stanje stvari (State of Affairs) (1998), Pseća pošta (The Dog Mail) (2006) and O piscima i gradovima (On Writers and Towns) (2010) and a book of selected interviews 39,5 (2010).
He has received the Central European Award by the Viennese Institute for the Danube Region in 2008. His latest novel The Russian Window has seen 14 editions in the scope of two years, with a circulation totalling at 22,000 copies.
Dragan Velikić’ books have been translated into a dozen European languages, with a particularly strong presence in the German speaking area. His work has been represented in domestic and foreign anthologies.
Translated books:
Via Pula, Wieser Verlag, Klagenfurt, 1991; second edition March 2000; Das Astragan-Fell, Wieser Verlag, Klagenfurt,1992; Stimme aus der Erdspalte, Wieser Verlag, Klagenfurt, 1992; Glas iz Razpoke, Zalozba Wieser, Celovec, 1993; Youtlantide, UBACS, Rennes, 1993; Der Zeichner des Meridian, Wieser Verlag, Klagenfurt, 1994; Astragan, Triada, Praha, 1998; Dante-Platz, Wieser Verlag, Klagenfurt, 1999; the second edition Oktober 1999; the third edition November 1999; Az eszaki fal, Forum, Novi Sad, 2000; Dante Ter, Jelenkor Kiado, Pecs, 2001; Le mur nord, Gaia Editions, Larbey, 2001; Der Fall Bremen, Ullstein, Berlin, 2002; Plaza Dante, Metaphora, Madrid, 2002; Dossier Domaszewski, Mare Verlag, Hamburg, 2004; Astragan, Cankarjeva Založba, Ljubljana, 2004; Lichter der Berührung, Ullstein, Berlin, 2005.; Casus Brema, Pogranicze, Sejny, 2005.; Severná stena, Kalligram, Bratislava 2006.; A Domaszewsky–dosszié, Napkút Kiadó, Budapest, 2006.; Lichter der Berührung, Taschenbuch, List, Berlin, 2006.; Prípad Brémy, Kalligram,Bratislava 2008.; Russische Fenster, DTV, München, 2008.; Via Pola, Emauela Zandonai Editore, Rovereto, 2009.; Orosz Ablak, Geopen, Budapest 2009.; Рyцки Прозорец, Сто Словенски Романи /Serbia/, Слово, Скопје, 2009.; Ρωσικό Παράθυρο, Konidaris, Athens, 2010.; The Russian Window, Geopoetika Publishing, Belgrade, 2010.; Рyckiя Прозорец, Agata, София, 2010.; Dritarja Ruse, Koha, Prishtinë, nëntor, 2010.; La finestra Russa, Zandonai, Rovereto, 2011.donai, Rovereto, 2011.